Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Someone just threw up in their mouth.

Soo that free shirt turned out to be pretty large... I wore it when i played horse today with Erin and Darren. We decided that the best way to show how huge this thing is would be to showcase its nightgown length... On another note, I have some back issues of this blog to update you with. its been a crazy week, but I promise that before the weekend is over, You'll have more material to wade through than any wearer of this tee.


Anonymous said...

Nice legs

and maybe "playing horse" should be phrased or at least written in a different sort of way. You, in that get-up playing horse with a boy and a girl. I don't know what to think about that.

Unknown said...

Hey Luke,

I showed this to Mike and he said "That is disgustingly amazing".

Thanks for your commitment to this blog.


Anonymous said...

you're wierd.
less man thighs, more pants, please.

Evangeline S. Schultz said...

this is seriously one of the funniest posts I have ever seen.