Monday, August 13, 2007

Meanwhile, Back at the Pilot mensroom.

I took 'Angelic' at The Pilot Travel Plaza West of Chattanooga on I24 after driving for 5 hours almost exactly 3 days ago. And that's almost exactly what happened here. I drove until 2 AM, then pulled over here at my favorite little Appalachian pit stop.

Simon thought it was especially funny that I was photographing myself again in the Pilot mens room... And his snicker caused me to break my magnum pose, and go for this goofy one instead. So now I look dumb in front of all my fans. I think I'll atone for the damages by telling all my readers that Simon didn't wash his hands.

Fun fact about this shirt: It has a little bit of crud over the word 'kids' from when a friend of mine saw an opportunity to put his nametag over that word, in order that the phrase might read, "DARE to keep AJ off drugs." This of course wouldnt have been an issue if I hadn't washed the shirt with AJ's nametag on it, permanently sticking the nametag adhesive to the fabric.

1 comment:

Alex & Laura Beth said...

This is pretty much the best blog of all times.