Friday, August 10, 2007


This shirt comes from the ceiling of a 400 year old church In Gonder, Ethiopia. It also comes from that same screen printing shop in Ethiopia, where they hired a one armed man to stretch out the tees on the screen printing machine before printing. I may look like i'm tired here because i took this picture in a Pilot travel plaza bathroom after driving the first 5 hours of our all night road trip to florida. I also may appear to have just contracted a disease. This is because I've got some allergy or pink eye or something... And because i'm in a pilot travel plaza bathroom.


Josh said...

Nice change of scenery. I'm showing Meghan your blog. We just think your tees are terrific! Enjoy your road trip.

Lukey G. said...

thanks josh! I appreciate it. Its been a great trip so far. More tees to come from the road!

Darren Jennings said...

luke... if no one comments, don't be discouraged. Everyone loves you and thinks your t-shirt blog is the best thing since Jesus, even if they don't comment. That pink eye crap getting any better?

Lukey G. said...

the pink eye is a lot better darren. thanks man. i'll see you at quills in 15 minutes.